I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
When Your Skin Fails & the Power of EFT

When Your Skin Fails & the Power of EFT

Jude Weber has been through it and back. She’s dealt with childhood trauma and a mysterious illness that had her bedridden and in large amounts of pain for 3 years before getting a diagnosis: her largest organ - her skin - was failing. You could say she made a miraculous recovery, but Jude doesn’t. She attributes her recovery to taking responsibility for her health through tapping from her background as an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner.

In today’s episode, she discusses how her previous trauma led to her tapping, her previous denial of it, and explains what my own tapping session with her was like. Check her out at www.judeweber.com

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I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
Book Coach to Best Sellers™ Kim O’Hara loves writers of all kinds. She also is a writer, and finds there are endless conversations to be had about the craft and psychology of writing. Join her each episode as she talks with a variety of writers - comedians, authors, coaches, speakers, songwriters, TV writers, to name a few - about their craft. The conversations can get personal in nature, as writing is truly an exploration of self. To learn more about Kim O'Hara as a Book Coach, go to kimohara.com or sign up for the latest on her books at kimoharabooks.com.