I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
How To Break Our Dirty Little Secrets: A Ten Stage System

How To Break Our Dirty Little Secrets: A Ten Stage System

Ladies, you know you all have a basket of dirty little secrets you are keeping. You may not have slept with the UPS guy but you are married 26 years and still holding a torch for that first boyfriend in high school. You’ve guzzled champagne to give a speech or peed yourself when you laughed too hard. Secrets big and small create shame and play on our expectations that we have to be perfect as women. Our judgements hold us back from living our best life. Author Gretchen Hydo, a Certified Master Coach, says it’s time to stop. Enough stuffing secrets, and then creating more. As a coach to business owners and coaches, she is tough and results oriented, helping men and women exponentially increase their income. She turns that passion now towards secrets, and like many people who wrote books, is driven by her own personal story with secret-keeping.  She saw a deficit on the book shelves for a Secret-Breaking System so she wrote the book!  On this episode, we are going to talk about her big secret, the inner workings and stages of  her powerful Secret -Breaking System to help women get free of their dirty little secrets, and what came up for her as a first time author.

You can find Gretchen at gretchenhydo.com to inquire about her upcoming Secret-Breaking One Year Program and to get notifications on the 2022/2023 release of her book.

If you are interested in knowing more about how Gretchen was coached by Kim O’Hara through her book, head over to astoryinside.com or check out Kim’s program Own Your Authorship at astoryinside.com/own-your-authorship

I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
Book Coach to Best Sellers™ Kim O’Hara loves writers of all kinds. She also is a writer, and finds there are endless conversations to be had about the craft and psychology of writing. Join her each episode as she talks with a variety of writers - comedians, authors, coaches, speakers, songwriters, TV writers, to name a few - about their craft. The conversations can get personal in nature, as writing is truly an exploration of self. To learn more about Kim O'Hara as a Book Coach, go to kimohara.com or sign up for the latest on her books at kimoharabooks.com.