I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
Guilty or Not Guilty: A New Perspective on DNA

Guilty or Not Guilty: A New Perspective on DNA

Suspect profile?  Genetic Markers?  Evidence Sample?  Your DNA on a glove?  Just a few of the terms thrown around in my riveting interview with Matt Speredelozzi,  Deputy Public Defender for the  County of Santa Barbara. Today we talk about how Matt overturned a case where a man was incarcerated for twenty years through new DNA evidence. Matt has worked in the field of criminal law since 2007 on major crimes cases including high stakes felony, carjacking, robbery, gang enhancements and white collar offenses.  He has worked on this particular murder case for the last ten years.

In Jose’s case, his DNA was on a pair of gloves used in the crime but there was inconsistency on multiple markers and samples. He succinctly in less than twenty minutes walks us through the DNA process, convictions, and how unreliable witnesses play into the case, which is incredibly fascinating.  

Jose is the first of 256 cases where people sat in jail over science that should have not been allowed to slip through the cracks.  Matt sees this case as the gateway for many other innocent people to turn their conviction around.

If you want to geek out on science and crime, you are going to love Matt!

Interested in being on the show?  You think you have a book in you?  Reach out to Host Kim O’Hara who helps aspiring authors write books.  She can talk with you about YOUR book dream, and being a potential show guest. Book a free discovery call at  https://calendly.com/bookcoachkim/15min.  

I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
Book Coach to Best Sellers™ Kim O’Hara loves writers of all kinds. She also is a writer, and finds there are endless conversations to be had about the craft and psychology of writing. Join her each episode as she talks with a variety of writers - comedians, authors, coaches, speakers, songwriters, TV writers, to name a few - about their craft. The conversations can get personal in nature, as writing is truly an exploration of self. To learn more about Kim O'Hara as a Book Coach, go to kimohara.com or sign up for the latest on her books at kimoharabooks.com.