I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
A Peaceful Warrior Left The Gangs Behind

A Peaceful Warrior Left The Gangs Behind

Martial Artist Sister Nau Ti has trained with the best in the hard and soft styles of martial arts.  As a queer black female who was raised in South Central Los Angeles where gang affiliation was the norm, and after time in the US Airforce, she had a close friend taken out by the violence.  This experience set her on a  journey of further understanding awareness of our surroundings and how we make choices every day to practice self-defense.  As her book coach, I had the privilege to partake in deep discussions with her in writing her book on  how to pre-empt the “great fight” society seems to always push towards us, and live in peace.

If you think YOU should write a book, head on over to A Story Inside Books, and sign up for our newsletter to learn how we help our clients write books that can achieve best seller status.


You can connect with Sister Nau-T @: https://www.instagram.com/sisnaut/

I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
Book Coach to Best Sellers™ Kim O’Hara loves writers of all kinds. She also is a writer, and finds there are endless conversations to be had about the craft and psychology of writing. Join her each episode as she talks with a variety of writers - comedians, authors, coaches, speakers, songwriters, TV writers, to name a few - about their craft. The conversations can get personal in nature, as writing is truly an exploration of self. To learn more about Kim O'Hara as a Book Coach, go to kimohara.com or sign up for the latest on her books at kimoharabooks.com.