I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
Tonya Crooks - The Trials of Building A Product

Tonya Crooks - The Trials of Building A Product

Tonya Crooks is the Original Brow Gal serving celebrity clients such as Julia Roberts, Fergie, and Megan Fox. She is also the creator of Arches and Halos, a line of eyebrow products available in Target and Walgreens. I know Tonya pretty intimately, spending lots of time with her writing her book, and I can tell you, she is a fighter, and a warrior and the road to where she is today with her business has not been easy street. She shares what she has experienced cathartically in writing her memoir.

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I Give You Permission with Kim O'Hara
You Should Write A Book About That™
Book Coach to Best Sellers™ Kim O’Hara loves writers of all kinds. She also is a writer, and finds there are endless conversations to be had about the craft and psychology of writing. Join her each episode as she talks with a variety of writers - comedians, authors, coaches, speakers, songwriters, TV writers, to name a few - about their craft. The conversations can get personal in nature, as writing is truly an exploration of self. To learn more about Kim O'Hara as a Book Coach, go to kimohara.com or sign up for the latest on her books at kimoharabooks.com.